Interesting Papers in Artificial Intelligence
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I decided to read all of the titles in the Artificial Intelligence journal, and found these interesting papers. The entire title-reading process took about 2 hours.
1 Interesting Concept
(2002) Jordi Delgado - Emergence of social conventions in complex networks
Here, "social conventions" means a very specific property of graphs in the context of game theory. Their social networks are groups of mindless automotaons which each have a single opinion that can take the values "A" or "B". They use the "coordination game" payoff matrix that engourages each pair of agents to agree with each other, and study various ways the graph can come to 90% of the agents all believe either "A" or "B". It's probably not useful for actual social worlds, and there's no simulation of any interesting environment, but it might be useful for designing protocols, or as a problem solving method.
- L.A. Nunes Amaral, A. Scala, M. Barthélémy, H.E. Stanley, Classes of small-world networks, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 97 (2000) 11149–11152.
- D.J Watts, S.H. Strogatz, Collective dynamics of small-world networks, Nature 393 (1998) 440–442.
- Y. Shoham, M. Tennenholtz, On the emergence of social conventions: Modeling, analysis and simulations, Artificial Intelligence 94 (1997) 139–166.
- (1997) Yoav Shoham, Moshe Tennenholtz - On the emergence of social conventions: modeling, analysis, and simulations
Marcelo A. Falappa, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Guillermo R. Simari - Explanations, belief revision and defeasible reasoning
Claudio Bettini, X.Sean Wang, Sushil Jajodia - Solving multi-granularity temporal constraint networks
Alberto Maria Segre, Sean Forman, Giovanni Resta, Andrew Wildenberg - Nagging: A scalable fault-tolerant paradigm for distributed search
Fahiem Bacchus, Xinguang Chen, Peter van Beek, Toby Walsh - Binary vs. non-binary constraints
Jie Cheng, Russell Greiner, Jonathan Kelly, David Bell, Weiru Liu - Learning Bayesian networks from data: An information-theory based approach
Kurt Engesser, Dov M. Gabbay - Quantum logic, Hilbert space, revision theory
J.-D. Fouks, L. Signac - The problem of survival from an algorithmic point of view
Catherine Carr - The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, edited by Robert Wilson and Frank Keil
- Tim Taylor - Christoph Adami, Introduction to Artificial Life
- M.A. Boden (Ed.), The Philosophy of Artificial Life, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996.
- C.G. Langton (Ed.), Artificial Life: An Introduction, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1995.
A.S d'Avila Garcez, K Broda, D.M Gabbay - Symbolic knowledge extraction from trained neural networks: A sound approach
José Hernández-Orallo - Truth from Trash. How Learning Makes Sense by Chris Thornton
Fabio G. Cozman - Credal networks
Aaron N. Kaplan, Lenhart K. Schubert - A computational model of belief
Mike Perkowitz, Oren Etzioni - Towards adaptive Web sites: Conceptual framework and case study
Wilhelm Rödder - Conditional logic and the Principle of Entropy
Christian Vilhelm, Pierre Ravaux, Daniel Calvelo, Alexandre Jaborska, Marie-Christine Chambrin, Michel Boniface - Think!: A unified numerical–symbolic knowledge representation scheme and reasoning system
Charles L. Ortiz Jr. - A commonsense language for reasoning about causation and rational action
Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez - Principles of human—computer collaboration for knowledge discovery in science
Paul Snow - The vulnerability of the transferable belief model to Dutch books
Simon Kasif, Steven Salzberg, David Waltz, John Rachlin, David W. Aha - A probabilistic framework for memory-based reasoning
Geoffrey LaForte, Patrick J. Hayes, Kenneth M. Ford - Why Gödel's theorem cannot refute computationalism
Hiroshi Motoda, Kenichi Yoshida - Machine learning techniques to make computers easier to use
Aravind K. Joshi - Role of constrained computational systems in natural language processing
Moshe Tennenholtz - On stable social laws and qualitative equilibria
Michael Arbib - The metaphorical brains
Andrew Gelsey, Mark Schwabacher, Don Smith - Using modeling knowledge to guide design space search
Márk Jelasity, József Dombi - GAS, a concept on modeling species in genetic algorithms
Randall H. Wilson - Geometric reasoning about assembly tools
Kurt Ammon - An automatic proof of Gödel's incompleteness theorem
Shmuel Onn, Moshe Tennenholtz - Determination of social laws for multi-agent mobilization
Stuart J. Russell - Rationality and intelligence
Hidde de Jong, Arie Rip - The computer revolution in science: steps towards the realization of computer-supported discovery environments
Adnan Darwiche, Judea Pearl - On the logic of iterated belief revision
R.C. Holte, T. Mkadmi, R.M. Zimmer, A.J. MacDonald - Speeding up problem solving by abstraction: a graph oriented approach
R. Holte, T. Mkadmi, R.M. Zimmer, A.J. McDonald - Speeding up problem solving by abstraction: a graph oriented approach
Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez - A new theorem in particle physics enabled by machine discovery
Dan Roth - On the hardness of approximate reasoning
Bart Selman, David G. Mitchell, Hector J. Levesque - Generating hard satisfiability problems
Herbert A. Simon - Artificial intelligence: an empirical science
John K. Tsotsos - Behaviorist intelligence and the scaling problem
Shigeki Goto, Hisao Nojima - Equilibrium analysis of the distribution of information in human society
Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez - Machine discovery in chemistry: new results
Stephen W. Smoliar - Artificial life: Christopher G. Langton, ed.
Yoav Shoham, Moshe Tennenholtz - On social laws for artificial agent societies: off-line design
Barbara Hayes-Roth - An architecture for adaptive intelligent systems
Bruce Randall Donald - On information invariants in robotics
Ian P. Gent, Toby Walsh - Easy problems are sometimes hard
Tad Hogg, Colin P. Williams - The hardest constraint problems: A double phase transition
Yoram Moses, Yoav Shoham - Belief as defeasible knowledge
Donald Michie - Turing's test and conscious thought
John McDermott - R1 (“XCON”) at age 12: lessons from an elementary school achiever
Takeo Kanade - From a real chair to a negative chair
Harry G. Barrow, J.M. Tenenbaum - Retrospective on “Interpreting line drawings as three-dimensional surfaces”
Judea Pearl - Belief networks revisited
Glenn A. Kramer - A geometric constraint engine
Fausto Giunchiglia, Toby Walsh - A theory of abstraction
John L. Pollock - How to reason defeasibly
Aaron Sloman - The emperor's real mind: Review of Roger Penrose's the emperor's new mind: Concerning computers, minds and the laws of physics
Olivier Dordan - Mathematical problems arising in qualitative simulation of a differential equation
Eric Saund - Putting knowledge into a visual shape representation
Michael Freund, Daniel Lehmann, Paul Morris - Rationality, transitivity, and contraposition
Anthony S. Maida - Maintaining mental models of agents who have existential misconceptions
Henry A. Kautz, Bart Selman - Hard problems for simple default logics
Mark J. Stefik, Stephen Smoliar - Four reviews of The Society of Mind and a response
Michael G. Dyer - A society of ideas on cognition: Review of Marvin Minsky's The Society of Mind
Matthew Ginsberg - The society of mind: Marvin Minsky
George N. Reeke Jr - The society of mind: Marvin Minsky
Stephen W. Smoliar - The society of mind: Marvin Minsky
Marvin Minsky - Society of mind: A response to four reviews
Stephen W. Smoliar - How to build a person: A prolegomenon: John Pollock
David Makinson, Karl Schlechta - Floating conclusions and zombie paths: Two deep difficulties in the “directly skeptical” approach to defeasible inheritance nets
Donald A. Norman - Approaches to the study of intelligence
Rodney A. Brooks - Intelligence without representation
David Kirsh - Today the earwig, tomorrow man?
Douglas B. Lenat, Edward A. Feigenbaum - On the thresholds of knowledge
Jordan B. Pollack - Recursive distributed representations
R. Bhaskar, Anil Nigam - Qualitative physics using dimensional analysis
Don F. Beal - A generalised quiescence search algorithm
Kai-Fu Lee, Sanjoy Mahajan - The development of a world class Othello program
Helmut Horacek - Reasoning with uncertainty in computer chess
Jeff Shrager - Induction: Process of inference, learning and discovery: John H. Holland, Keith J. Holyoak, Richard E. Nisbett, and Paul R. Thagard (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986); 355 pages
Daniel S. Weld - The psychology of everyday things: Donald A. Norman, (Basic Books, New York, 1988); 257 pages, $19.95
John R. Anderson - A theory of the origins of human knowledge
G. Tesauro, T.J. Sejnowski - A parallel network that learns to play backgammon
G. Priest - Reasoning about truth
Donald Perlis - Truth and meaning
Daniel S. Weld - Women, fire, and dangerous things: George Lakoff, (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1987); 614 pages, $29.95
Mark J. Stefik - On book reviews policy and process
Robert K. Lindsay - The science of the mind: Owen J. Flanagan, Jr., (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1984); 290 pages
Sheila Rock - On machine intelligence: Donald Michie, 2nd ed. (Ellis Horwood, Chichester, United Kingdom, 1986); 265 pages, £29.95
Stephen W. Smoliar - Epistemology and cognition: A.I. Goldman, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986); ix + 437 pages, $27.50
David Elliot Shaw - On the range of applicability of an artificial intelligence machine
Michael Gordon - Machine intelligence and related topics: An information scientist's weekend book: Donald Michie, (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1982); 328 pages, $57.75
Ryszard S. Michalski, Patrick H. Winston - Variable precision logic
Martin Herman, Takeo Kanade - Incremental reconstruction of 3D scenes from multiple, complex images
vision : June 8–11, 1987, London, United Kingdom
André Vellino - Artificial intelligence: The very idea: J. Haugeland, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1985); 287 pp.
Judea Pearl - Fusion, propagation, and structuring in belief networks
Daniel G. Bobrow - Scientific debate
Mark Stefik - The AI business: Commercial uses of artificial intelligence: P.H. Winston and K.A. Prendergast, (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1984); 324 pages, $15.95
Hans Berliner, Carl Ebeling - The SUPREM architecture: A new intelligent paradigm
Donna Reese - Artificial intelligence: P.H. Winston, (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2nd ed., 1984); 527 pages
Kenneth D. Forbus - Structure and interpretation of computer programs: H. Abelson and G.J. Sussman with J. Sussman, (MIT, Cambridge, 1985); 503 pages
Chia-Hoang Lee, Azriel Rosenfeld - Improved methods of estimating shape from shading using the light source coordinate system
Daniel G. Bobrow, Patrick J. Hayes - Artificial intelligence — Where are we?
Barbara J. Grosz - Natural-language processing
Johan De Kleer - How circuits work
G.D. Ritchie, F.K. Hanna - am: A case study in AI methodology
Douglas B. Lenat, John Seely Brown - Why am and eurisko appear to work
Elaine Kant - On the efficient synthesis of efficient programs
Randall Davis, Reid G. Smith - Negotiation as a metaphor for distributed problem solving
Patrick H. Winston - Learning new principles from precedents and exercises
Paul S. Rosenbloom - A world-championship-level Othello program
Tomas Lozano-Perez - Robotics
Tom M. Mitchell - Generalization as search
Dana S. Nau - The last player theorem
Hans J. Berliner - Backgammon computer program beats world champion
Gerald Jay Sussman, Guy Lewis Steele Jr. - Constraints—A language for expressing almost-hierarchical descriptions
Takeo Kanade - A theory of Origami world
Ria Follett - Synthesising recursive functions with side effects
John McCarthy - Circumscription—A form of non-monotonic reasoning
Michael A. Bauer - Programming by examples
Patrick H. Winston - Learning by creatifying transfer frames
Alan Bundy - Will it reach the top? Prediction in the mechanics world
Richard M. Stallman, Gerald J. Sussman - Forward reasoning and dependency-directed backtracking in a system for computer-aided circuit analysis
D. Marr - Artificial intelligence—A personal view
Berthold K.P. Horn - Understanding image intensities
F. Malloy Brown - Doing arithmetic without diagrams
Azriel Rosenfeld - The psychology of computer vision: Patrick Henry Winston (ed.) McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975, vi+282 pages, $19.50
R.C.T. Lee - On machine intelligence: D. Michie. Halstead Press, a division of John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
W.W. Bledsoe, Peter Bruell - A man-machine theorem-proving system
Gary G. Hendrix - Modeling simultaneous actions and continuous processes
Yoshiaki Shirai - A context sensitive line finder for recognition of polyhedra
Kenneth Mark Colby, Franklin Dennis Hilf, Sylvia Weber, Helena C Kraemer - Turing-like indistinguishability tests for the validation of a computer simulation of paranoid processes
Aaron Sloman - Interactions between philosophy and artificial intelligence: The role of intuition and non-logical reasoning in intelligence
2 Story related
Charles B. Callaway, James C. Lester - Narrative prose generation
- Katja Markert, Udo Hahn
Understanding metonymies in discourse Metonymies are difficult enough to drive these people to use the context of the sentences around the metonymy to interpret it. They create a set of heuristics which interpret metonomies. The first is obvious violations of sentence rules, such as having a non-agent do something only an agent can do.
Another rule is that metonomyies should be more "apt", where it's more likely for a T.V. Screen to refer to the T.V. than a small button on the T.V., or a transistor.
Metonymies should be very difficult for current parsers to understand, and are good examples, since they are short and require context and common sense.
They have a dumb, ad-hoc "common sense database" that is dissapointing. It contains subclasses and has-a relations.
- D.A. Cruse, On the transitivity of the part-whole relation,
J. Linguistics 15 (1979) 29–38.
good quotes:
- We took the door off its hinges and went through it.
- The house has a handle.sources
- D.A. Cruse, On the transitivity of the part-whole relation,
J. Linguistics 15 (1979) 29–38.
good quotes:
Kathleen R. McKeown, Steven K. Feiner, Mukesh Dalal, Shih-Fu Chang - Generating multimedia briefings: coordinating language and illustration
Varol Akman - Formalizing common sense: Papers by John McCarthy: V. Lifschitz, ed., (Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, NJ, 1990); vi+256 pages, hardback, ISBN 0-89391-535-1 (Library of Congress: Q335.M38 1989)
Akira Shimaya - Interpreting non-3-D line drawings
Adam J. Grove - Naming and identity in epistemic logic part II: a first-order logic for naming
Luc Lismont, Philippe Mongin - A non-minimal but very weak axiomatization of common belief
on integration of natural language and vision processing
Russell Greiner - Learning by understanding analogies
3 Review Articles
H.Jaap van den Herik, Jos W.H.M. Uiterwijk, Jack van Rijswijck - Games solved: Now and in the future
Jonathan Schaeffer, H.Jaap van den Herik - Games, computers, and artificial intelligence
Peter A. Flach - On the state of the art in machine learning: A personal review
A.G. Cohn, D. Perlis - “Field Reviews”: A new style of review article for Artificial Intelligence
James Delgrande, Arvind Gupta, Tim Van Allen - A comparison of point-based approaches to qualitative temporal reasoning
Weixiong Zhang, Rina Dechter, Richard E. Korf - Heuristic search in artificial intelligence
Karen Sparck Jones - Information retrieval and artificial intelligence
Wolfram Burgard, Armin B. Cremers, Dieter Fox, Dirk Hähnel, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Dirk Schulz, Walter Steiner, Sebastian Thrun - Experiences with an interactive museum tour-guide robot
Minoru Asada, Hiroaki Kitano, Itsuki Noda, Manuela Veloso - RoboCup: Today and tomorrow—What we have learned
Margaret A. Boden - Creativity and artificial intelligence
Daniel G. Bobrow, J.Michael Brady - Artificial Intelligence 40 years later
Fangzhen Lin, Hector J. Levesque - What robots can do: robot programs and effective achievability
Melanie Mitchell - L.D. Davis, handbook of genetic algorithms
Russell Greiner, Adam J. Grove, Alexander Kogan - Knowing what doesn't matter: exploiting the omission of irrelevant data
W. Whitney, S. Rana, J. Dzubera, K.E. Mathias - Evaluating evolutionary algorithms
David S. Touretzky - Neural networks in artificial intelligence: Matthew Zeidenberg
Mark J. Stefik, Stephen W. Smoliar - The commonsense reviews
Peter Szolovits, Stephen G. Pauker - Categorical and probabilistic reasoning in medicine revisited
Daniel G. Bobrow - Artificial intelligence in perspective: a retrospective on fifty volumes of the Artificial Intelligence Journal
David Kirsh - Foundations of AI: The big issues
Hector J. Levesque - All I know: A study in autoepistemic logic
J.T. Schwartz, M. Sharir - A survey of motion planning and related geometric algorithms
Larry S. Davis, Azriel Rosenfeld - Cooperating processes for low-level vision: A survey
Hans J. Berliner - A chronology of computer chess and its literature
John McCarthy - Artificial intelligence: a paper symposium: Professor Sir James Lighthill, FRS. Artificial Intelligence: A General Survey. In: Science Research Council, 1973
4 Cortex related (sensory fusion / simulated worlds)
Alfonso Gerevini, Jochen Renz - Combining topological and size information for spatial reasoning
John Slaney, Sylvie Thiébaux - Blocks World revisited
Wai K. Yeap, Margaret E. Jefferies - Computing a representation of the local environment
R.P. Loui - On the origin of objects: B.C. Smith's MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996. $37.50 (cloth). $17.50 (paper). 440 pages. ISBN 0-262-69209-0
Tze Yun Leong - Multiple perspective dynamic decision making
Cristiano Castelfranchi - Modelling social action for AI agents
Luc Steels - The origins of syntax in visually grounded robotic agents
Sebastian Thrun - Learning metric-topological maps for indoor mobile robot navigation
John Haugeland - Body and world: a review of What Computers Still Can't Do: A critique of artificial reason (Hubert L. Dreyfus): (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992); liii + 354 pages, $13.95
David J. Musliner, Edmund H. Durfee, Kang G. Shin - World modeling for the dynamic construction of real-time control plans
Jozsef A. Toth - Reasoning agents in a dynamic world: The frame problem: Kenneth M. Ford and Patrick J. Hayes, eds., (JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, 1991); 290+xiv pages
Michael A. Arbib, Jim-Shih Liaw - Sensorimotor transformations in the worlds of frogs and robots
Ingemar J. Cox, John J. Leonard - Modeling a dynamic environment using a Bayesian multiple hypothesis approach
on integration of natural language and vision processing
Demetri Terzopoulos, Andrew Witkin, Michael Kass - Constraints on deformable models:Recovering 3D shape and nonrigid motion
Bruce R. Donald - A search algorithm for motion planning with six degrees of freedom
Yorick Wilks - Making preferences more active
5 Vision Related
Azriel Rosenfeld - B. Jähne, H. Haussecker, and P. Geissler, eds., Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 1. Sensors and Imaging. 2. Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition. 3. Systems and Applications
Thomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis, Howard Shrobe - Qualitative rigid-body mechanics
Tzachi Dar, Leo Joskowicz, Ehud Rivlin - Understanding mechanical motion: From images to behaviors
Minoru Asada, Eiji Uchibe, Koh Hosoda - Cooperative behavior acquisition for mobile robots in dynamically changing real worlds via vision-based reinforcement learning and development
Thomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis, Howard Shrobe - Generating multiple new designs from a sketch
Ernst D. Dickmanns - Vehicles capable of dynamic vision: a new breed of technical beings?
Thomas G. Dietterich, Richard H. Lathrop, Tomás Lozano-Pérez - Solving the multiple instance problem with axis-parallel rectangles
Rajesh P.N. Rao, Dana H. Ballard - An active vision architecture based on iconic representations
John K. Tsotsos, Scan M. Culhane, Winky Yan Kei Wai, Yuzhong Lai, Neal Davis, Fernando Nuflo - Modeling visual attention via selective tuning
Roger Mohr, Boubakeur Boufama, Pascal Brand - Understanding positioning from multiple images
Andrew Zisserman, David Forsyth, Joseph Mundy, Charlie Rothwell, Jane Liu, Nic Pillow - 3D object recognition using invariance
Naresh C. Gupta, Laveen N. Kanal - 3-D motion estimation from motion field
Damian M. Lyons - Vision, instruction, and action: David Chapman, (MIT Press Cambridge, MA, 1991); 295 pages, $35.00, (paperback)
Yoshinori Suganuma - Learning structures of visual patterns from single instances
Dana H. Ballard - Animate vision
Raymond Reiter, Alan K. Mackworth - A logical framework for depiction and image interpretation
Ellen Lowenfeld Walker, Martin Herman - Geometric reasoning for constructing 3D scene descriptions from images
Michele Barry, David Cyrluk, Deepak Kapur, Joseph Mundy, Van-Duc Nguyen - A multi-level geometric reasoning system for vision
Alex P. Pentland - Shading into texture
Brady - Parallelism in Vision
Jon A. Webb, J.K. Aggarwal - Structure from motion of rigid and jointed objects
Michael Brady - Computer vision
Takeo Kanade - Recovery of the three-dimensional shape of an object from a single view
Rodney A. Brooks - Symbolic reasoning among 3-D models and 2-D images
H.K. Nishihara - Intensity, visible-surface, and volumetric representations
Thomas O. Binford - Inferring surfaces from images
Larry S. Davis, Azriel Rosenfeld - Cooperating processes for low-level vision: A survey
(1980) Berthold K.P. Horn, Brian G. Schunck - Determining optical flow
Optical flow is an estimation of the movement of brightness patterns. If the image is "smooth" then optical flow is also an estimate of the movement of objects in the image (projected onto the plane of the image). They get some fairly good results on some very contrived examples. Important point is that calculating optical flow involves a relaxation process where the velocities of regions of constant brightness are inferred from the velocities of the edges of those regions.
This paper is a lead up to Horn's book, Robot Vision.
Hexagonal sampling may be a good alternative to rectangular sampling.
A reduced version of this algorithm is implemented in hardware in optical mice to great effect.
- Hamming, R.W., Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962).
- Limb, J.O. and Murphy, J.A., Estimating the velocity of moving images in television signals, Computer Graphics and Image Processing 4 (4) (1975) 311-327.
- Mersereau, R.M., The processing of hexagonally sampled two-dimensional signals, Proc. of the IEEE 67 (6) (1979) 930-949.
(1993) Berthold K.P. Horn, B.G. Schunck - “Determining optical flow”: a retrospective
Very useful read where Horn criticies his previous paper.
- Whishes that he distinguished "optical flow" form "motion field". "Optical flow" is an image property, whilc the "motion field" is the movement of objects in 3D space. "Optical flow" is a 2D vector field; the "motion field" is 3D.
- Wished he made the limitations of his algorithm more clear.
- His original paper didn't concern itself with flow segmentation, which is required to interpret real world images with objects and a background.
- Thinks that the best thing about the original paper is that it introduced variational calculus methods into computer vision.
- R. Courant and D. Hilbert, Methods of Mathematical Physics (Interscience, New York, 1937/1953).
- D. Mart, Vision (Freeman, San Francisco, CA, 1982).
- C.M. Thompson, Robust photo-topography by fusing shape-from-shading and stereo,Ph.D. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA (1993).
- K. Ikeuchi and B.K.P. Horn, Numerical shape from shading and occluding boundaries, Artif lntell. 17 (1981) 141-184.
Katsushi Ikeuchi, Berthold K.P. Horn - Numerical shape from shading and occluding boundaries
Andrew P. Witkin - Recovering surface shape and orientation from texture
Irwin Sobel - On calibrating computer controlled cameras for perceiving 3-D scenes
P.M. Will, K.S. Pennington - Grid coding: A preprocessing technique for robot and machine vision
M.B. Clowes - On seeing things
Claude R. Brice, Claude L. Fennema - Scene analysis using regions
6 Cryo!
(1999) Kenneth D. Forbus, Peter B. Whalley, John O. Everett, Leo Ureel, Mike Brokowski, Julie Baher, Sven E. Kuehne - CyclePad: An articulate virtual laboratory for engineering thermodynamics
Should learn about thermodynamics, and about "thermal cycles."
This system is more about expressing models and assumtions than automatically generating them, and as such is similiar to our "math language" idea.
It's like a simple circuit modeller, and similar to Dylan's idea of an online circuit modeler.
We found that if CyclePad did not do the “obvious” propagation in preference to interpolation, students trusted it less.
It's too bad that the paper doesn't mention the shortcommings of the system.
- J.O. Everett, Topological inference of teleology: Deriving function from structure via evidential reasoning, Artificial Intelligence 113 (1999) 149–202.
- P. Hayes, Naive physics 1: Ontology for liquids, in: J. Hobbs, R. Moore (Eds.), Formal Theories of the Commonsense World, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1985.
- P. Nayak, Automated modeling of physical systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, 1992.
- R.W. Haywood, Analysis of Engineering Cycles: Power, Refrigerating and Gas Liquefaction Plant, Pergamon Press, 1985.
- R.M. Stallman, G.J. Sussman, Forward reasoning and
dependency-directed backtracking in a system for computer-aided
circuit analysis, Artificial Intelligence 9 (1977) 135–196.
- Dylan should read this, since it concerns his online circuit analysis idea.